Sunday 26 August 2012

GIF Animations: Tutorial

I have written this new tutorial!

So here is my tutorial on how to make GIFs using Photoshop:

I recommend saving and even backupping after every step of the tutorial, because I creapped up my work dozens of times, no jokes.

1) Open up Photoshop (duh)
2) Open up all your photo's, screenies, drawings ect.
3) Put all of your images in one file, as seperate layers (you don't know how to do this? right-click on the image on the lower right on your screen and select 'duplicate image', and select your working file as destination), first image lowest and working up, so you should only see the last image.
4) Click  "Windows-->Animation" .
    Your screen should now look like this:

5) Set your maximum time with the slider (green marker). 1:00 F means one second
6) Slide those green bars (blue markers) to the time you want them to pop up. So with the first iamge first image ypu do nothing, second image half a second later, until the last, a second before the right side of the slider (again green marker :P). To check, you can press the play button (red marking) to see if you did everyhing all right. Then press stop and << to bring it back to start. remember to backup!!!
7) press the little button I markered yellow. your screen should now look like this:

8) Press the purple markered button. A box should pop up. Press 'always'.
9) backup!!! now comes the nasty part. your GIF is done, but you need to save it yet. press
"alt-->shift-->ctrl-->s". Ignore any errors Photoshop gives you, it just means it cannot take the format, but it will work (though Photoshop might crash, it will still save in time... hopefully!). alternatively press "file-->save for web and devices ". The same popup will appear.
10) make sure there is GIF in the upper right corner of the popup, then press save, and save in a desired location.
11) congratiolations! your have made a GIF animation!

Things you should be aware of:
1. NEVER try to open up your GIF in Photoshop. For some reason Photoshop can't handle GIFs. If you save you will have to start all over again. To check if your GIF is working, open it up in Windows Photo Vieuwer or something like that.
2. BACKUP!!! Backup after every step along the tutorial!
3. Name each of yourbackups differently. I've had it VERY often that I accidently overwrote a good backup with a backup with mistakes in it and had to start all over again!

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